The process of Cover-Your-Ass is actually Cover-Your-Bosses-Ass in Washington DC. Everybody knows that their boss will get fired and that they will get more stress if they report a crime than if they cover up a felony that their co-workers did.

Nothing will ever get prosecuted and "Justice" will get stone-walled for decades if you go through the "proper channels". You will get finger-pointing, the endless run-around and every single person will find some reason to say: "ohhh, that's not in our jurisdiction" to avoid paperwork.

There are now thousands of reports from top CIA, NSA, White House, Department of Energy, NASA and other agency experts about how each and every one of them suffered vendetta and reprisal attacks and their crime reports were never acted on. Even Edward Snowden tried over and over to go through proper channels until he was forced to take matters into his own hands.

Here are actual responses from one case in which over 100 federal agencies said: "Not my circus, not my monkeys" and ran blow-off, after blow-off finger-pointing to someone else for over a decade. At no point in this entire process did any investigator or agency executive respond, reach out or engage in even the most remote attempt to look into the crime :


Good morning,

Within the OIG we receive allegations concerning a myriad of concerns related to the Department, to include Whistleblower reprisal complaints.  Further information can be found here:  https://www.energy.gov/ig/ig-hotline

Our website discusses the various means to report allegations, see the sections regarding being anonymous and confidentiality.  We can make no assertions regarding the outcome of a Whistleblower complaint.  The complainant is welcome to contact us at any time, using whatever means they deem appropriate.  How to contact us is on our website as well.

Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General Hotline. 

Hotline Coordinator

U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Inspector General"


"As of June 11, 2018, the FCC is no longer monitoring this email box. You will receive no further contact from the FCC. If you wish to submit an informal complaint to the FCC regarding a specific issue you are experiencing with your Internet provider, please go to consumercomplaints.fcc.gov."




"The Office of the Victims’ Rights Ombudsman does not conduct investigations of possible criminal conduct, or provide legal assistance or victim services, and cannot assist you.   We have limited authority to investigate specific rights violations established under the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, which become available to federal crime victims only when criminal proceedings are initiated by complaint, information, or indictment.  Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance, rev. May 1, 2012.  If you wish to file a complaint against state law enforcement officials, you will need to contact the Attorney General’s Office in your state for information and assistance.

 This office does not provide victim services.  If you are seeking victim services, please contact the Office for Victims of Crime for assistance, at https://ovc.ncjrs.gov/findvictimservices/.   You may also reach that office at 202-307-5983.

You may wish to consult with an attorney.  If you believe you have evidence of federal criminal activity, you may wish to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-CALLFBI or email at www.tips.fbi.gov.  The FBI can investigate your complaint, and, if appropriate, refer the matter for criminal prosecution."


"Thank you for your message.  The EERE Exchange Support email account will assist applicants with the operation of the EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange website.  Your message is important to us and it will be responded to as quickly as possible during normal business hours M - F from 9 AM to 5 PM ET.  Note: funding opportunity managers do not monitor this email account.

 If your question is about the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) content then you are encouraged to send your message to the FOA Content email account that is listed in the "Contact Information" section  of the Funding Opportunity announcment on the EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange website (http://EERE-Exchange.energy.gov).  That email address is monitored by the Funding Opportunity managers and they will publish their responses to FOA frequently Asked Questions.

 Thank you for your interest in EERE Funding Opportunities."


"Thank you for taking the time to contact the Judiciary Committee’s Republican Oversight and Investigations staff.  Your email has been received and will be reviewed.  If you are a constituent of Senator Grassley’s from Iowa, and did not provide your physical address please contact the personal office at the following  link to ensure that you receive a reply: http://www.grassley.senate.gov/constituents/questions-and-comments

 Unfortunately, if you are not a constituent, you may not receive an individual response due to the high volume of emails from around the country and the office’s limited resources.  You may wish to consider contacting your home state senators:  http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm?OrderBy=state&Sort=ASC

 We will contact you if further information is needed to inquire into the issues you have raised.

 Although we cannot pursue every allegation that we receive, that does not mean your concerns may not have merit.  You should consider reporting waste, fraud, abuse, or mismanagement elsewhere as well, if you have not already done so.  Confidential, protected whistleblower disclosures can also be made to:

 ·         the Office of Special Counsel (https://osc.gov/pages/file-complaint.aspx)

·         the Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Justice (http://www.justice.gov/oig/hotline/), or

·         the office of inspector general at another relevant agency (https://www.ignet.gov/contact-us).

 If you report your concerns to one of these agencies, please let us know so that we can ensure that the agency treats it appropriately.  Should you have additional information to provide, please do not hesitate to forward it to us at this email address.  All disclosures are treated as protected, and none of the information will be used without consulting with you first.  Thank you."


" Thank you for contacting the Whistleblower Office of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. We are eager to hear from and provide assistance to persons who would like to be considered for an award under the whistleblower program. We will respond to your questions as quickly as we can. Please note the following:

 · This email address should be used only to ask questions about the whistleblower program. Please do not attempt to send a whistleblower submission by email.

 · If you would like to become a whistleblower, please file a Form TCR either electronically, by mail or by facsimile. To file electronically, please click on the “File a Tip or Complaint” button located on the right-hand side of the Commission’s home page, www.cftc.gov, and click on the form under the description of the whistleblower program. To file by mail or facsimile, please print a blank Form TCR, complete it, and mail or fax it to the address or number below:


Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Whistleblower Office

1155 21st Street, NW

Washington, DC 20581

Fax: (202) 418-5975


· While the Whistleblower Office can explain the law and rules behind the whistleblower program, we cannot provide you with legal advice or an opinion about your particular whistleblower submission or award claim.

 · Please understand that any further inquiry conducted by the Commission as a result of any information you provide is confidential. The fact that the Commission may investigate a firm or person generally will not be disclosed until such time as a public proceeding is brought either before the Commission or in federal court.

 · You can learn more about the whistleblower program by visiting the "Whistleblower Program" page of the Commission’s website, www.cftc.gov, where you will find the rules for the whistleblower program, frequently asked questions, and filing instructions."


"Thank you for writing to the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB). Your inquiry will be forwarded to the staff person who can best answer your question. You will receive a response as soon as possible.

 If you would like to speak to a staff person during regular business hours, please note the following toll-free phone number:



 The California Victim Compensation Board

  For more information about the VCB or its Programs, please visit www.victims.ca.gov.



"Because we have no jurisdiction in this area, we have forwarded your email to the DOE Inspector General’s office.


Docket Section

Office of Hearings and Appeals

Department of Energy




"We have received your email at OHA.Filings@hq.doe.gov.  If this is a new case filing, you will receive an official acknowledgment of your submission. 

Docket Branch

Office of Hearings and Appeals


"This is an automated response from the FTC Office of Inspector General (OIG).  Thank you for your e-mail correspondence. 

 The OIG has jurisdiction over fraud, waste, abuse and misconduct affecting the programs and operations of the FTC.  Information within OIG jurisdiction will be reviewed by FTC OIG staff and you will be notified if the OIG will address your complaint.

Consumer related inquiries and consumer complaints fall within the jurisdiction of the FTC's Consumer Response Center (CRC).  If you have a consumer related question, a complaint against a company or individual, or if you are the victim of identity theft please contact the FTC CRC directly via the web or by telephone as indicated below:

 CONTACT CRC VIA THE WEB:  https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/?OrgCode=09

CONTACT CRC VIA THE TELEPHONE:  1-877-382-4357 Monday -Friday, 9 a.m.- 8 p.m. EST.

 CONTACT CRC REGARDING IDENTITY THEFT: 1-877-438-4338 Monday -Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. EST.

For all other questions regarding the FTC, you may call the FTC business number at 202-326-2222."


After our 22nd Email to Them Requesting An "Update On Our Complaint":

"Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General Hotline.  This serves to acknowledge receipt of your message.  The Hotline facilitates the reporting of allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse concerning Department of Energy programs and/or operations.  You may obtain additional information regarding the Hotline at http://energy.gov/ig/services.  The "Complaint Processing" section explains the actions the Office of Inspector General may take regarding your complaint.  
Please note that your complaint to the Office of Inspector General does not preclude you from pursuing other remedies that may be available to you.

You may request an update on the status of your complaint by contacting the Hotline.

Hotline Coordinator
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Inspector General"


"Thank you for contacting the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC).  Please note that OSC cannot respond to every email we receive.  This email addresses the most frequently asked questions we receive about prohibited personnel practices (PPPs) and disclosures of wrongdoing (Disclosures).  Please see below for additional information about filing complaints and checking the status of existing claims.  For more information about what we do and our processes, please see www.osc.gov.   OSC cannot: (1) initiate a new complaint via email--see below about how to file; (2) issue advisory opinions, (2) tell you whether or not to file a claim, (3) tell you whether or not yours is a winning claim, or (4) provide you legal advice. 

 If you already filed a complaint, thank you!  Your complaint will be assigned to an attorney or investigator for review within 30 days of our receiving it, if it hasn’t been already.  We will forward the email you sent us today to the employee assigned your case who will reach out to you directly.

The #1 question we receive is how long will this process take?  It’s an understandable question but also the one we are least able to answer.  Know that we strive to resolve claims as quickly as we can and in the order in which we receive them.  Because we receive thousands of complaints each year, it may be some time before we are able to address your claim.  We know this can be a lengthy and stressful process for you.  We will be in touch as soon as possible, but we appreciate your patience as we review the complaints we received before yours. 

If you want to file a complaint or make a disclosure, you must formally file with OSC.   We cannot initiate a complaint or disclosure based on your email to us today.  The fastest way to get your complaint to us is to file electronically via our website www.osc.gov.  From the home page, locate the large, red button in the upper right-hand side of the screen that reads “File a Complaint.”  Click that button, identify which type of claim you want to file (see below for more information about what we do), enter or establish your username and password, and answer the questions that follow.  Be sure to scroll down to the end of the page. If you do not want to file your claim electronically, the only other way to initiate a complaint is to mail or fax us your complaint form.  The form for filing a PPP complaint, which includes our mailing address and fax number, is available at: https://osc.gov/Resources/osc11.htm.  The form for filing a disclosure, to report fraud, waste, abuse, or a danger to public health or safety, is available at:   https://osc.gov/Resources/osc12.htm.

If you have not filed a complaint and do not know if you can file, please see below for additional information about OSC, our mission, and our processes.  If you still have questions, please review our Frequently Asked Questions at https://osc.gov/Pages/Resources-FAQ.aspx.

Prohibited Personnel Practices

 Can I file a claim?  OSC is empowered to review PPP complaints filed by current and former Federal employees and applicants for Federal employment.  OSC does NOT have jurisdiction to consider complaints from employees of: the FBI, CIA, DIA, NGA, NSA, ODNI, NRO, and other intelligence agencies; the GAO; government corporations; residents in a Department of Housing and Urban Development property; patients in a Department of Veterans Affairs facility; government contractors; non-appropriated fund employees; or uniformed members of any branch of the U.S. military and/or Public Health Service.  If you are unsure if we have jurisdiction over you, go ahead and file your claim.







Reporting Wrongdoing (Disclosures)

OSC reviews disclosures of information filed by current and former Federal employees and applicants for Federal employment, which the employee, former employee, or applicant reasonably believes evidence:  a violation of law, rule, or regulation; gross mismanagement; a gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.

OSC accepts disclosures from current federal employees, former federal employees, and applicants for federal employment (executive branch only). OSC does not have jurisdiction over disclosures filed by:


"Thank you for contacting the Office of Government Information Services. This is an auto reply message.

If you requested our assistance with resolving a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) dispute and have not done so already, please send us a brief description of your dispute and copies of your FOIA request, the agency’s response to your request, your appeal letter (if you filed an appeal), and the agency's response to your appeal (if received a response).

Send these documents to OGIS by email, fax, or mail. Our contact information is below in the signature block.

Due to an increased demand for our services, there may be a delay in our response. We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to assisting you.

The OGIS Staff

National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road (OGIS)
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Email: ogis@nara.gov
Phone: 202-741-5770
Fax: 202-741-5769
Website: https://www.archives.gov/ogis


The list of samples of generic, form letter-type responses goes on and on for pages. These agencies receive hundreds of millions of the taxpayers dollars as their payment to look into crimes, corruption and political malfeasance.

The entire voting public believes that these agencies are there to help the voters resolve problems and fight crimes against the voters.

These agencies have forgotten that they are the EMPLOYEES of the public.

In no case in the matter referenced above, and in thousands of other cases by other parties, did any agency representative or investigator reach out or assist the taxpayer.